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 BoneWorks Mods


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Download melonloader

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in this video I will be showing you how to install melonloader the sideload mods

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BONEWORKS Is a narrative VR action adventure using advanced experimental physics mechanics. Dynamically navigate through environments, engage in physics heavy combat, and creatively approach puzzles with physics.

Advanced Physics: Designed entirely for consistent universal rules, the advanced physics mechanics encourage players to confidently and creatively interact with the virtual world however you want.

Combat: Approach combat in any number of ways you can think of following the physical rules of the game's universe. Melee weapons, firearms, physics traps, environments, can all be used to aid you in fights with enemy entities.

Weapons, lots of weapons: Boneworks provides players with a plethora of physics based weaponry; guns, swords, axes, clubs, spears, hammers, experimental energy weapons, nonsensical mystery tools, and anomalous physics weapons.

Interaction: Hyper realistic VR object and environment interaction.

Story: Play through the game's mysterious narrative and explore the deep inner workings of the Monogon Industries' artificial intelligence operating system; Myth OS.

Character Bodies: Accurate full IK body systems built from the ground up provide a realistic looking body presence and allow for a maximum level of immersion with physical interaction in the game space.

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